Category: Your Word – Travel Blog – Psalm 119

“Your Word is a Lamp for my feet, a Light for my path.” Psalm 119:105

I’ve been blessed with a wandering spirit, and before I turned 25, I’d traveled to most of the United States, parts of Canada, and Mexico. God also blessed me with a career that allowed me to see much of America, which further soothed my wanderlust. For my 50th birthday, I wanted to visit Italy, but with no travel companion available, I strapped on a backpack and headed off for this adventure alone with God as my guide.

What I found was the most miraculous journey. When it’s you alone, in a foreign land, with your only reliance on God, it is one of the most impactful Spiritual journeys. He revealed to me things I would not have seen. He connected me to people in a way I had never realized. I now crave that connection so much that I plan to move my life into an RV and travel wherever He leads me.

His Word has given me direction, strength, companionship, motivation, and comfort as I walk through all parts of my life, but I feel it the most when exploring all parts of this great world He’s created. He has much to reveal to us, and life is short. Let’s explore it together as He lights the way…


Trusting God Proverbs 3:5-6

Praying over the city at Groundswell Midway. September 24, 2018· Saint Paul · With the later sunrise, I decided to dive into work before my ride. My life and my focus works so much better when I let God in first. I am making up for lost time by makingRead More


To Whom Should We Go John 6

Praying over the city at Ruttger’s Birchmont Lodge. August 23, 2018 · Bemidji · This week my work brought me to my happy place. I am so blessed that I get to travel to places like this and meet with people I truly love. Last weekend I looked at RVs. I am going toRead More


Take a Breath Colossians 3:23-24

Praying over the city in Grand Rapids, MN. August 19, 2018 I love loons. Yesterday, I captured this one looking for some lunch. As his (or her ;)) head popped up, looked around, then dove below again, it reminded me of how we, many times, balance between our Spiritual state andRead More


A Bigger God Hebrews 13:8

Praying over the city in Grand Rapids, Minnesota. August 18, 2018 This morning I woke with worry. It’s never fun. I tried to push it way, pray it away, to have faith, and I do. I have faith, but I still worry. It is so hard to be in the middleRead More


The Good Fight Matthew 26:39

Praying over the city in Grand Rapids, Minnesota. August 17, 2018 This is the view for today’s morning prayers. I was blessed to have a dear friend invite me to her lake home. There’s even a bike here for me. I didn’t take it out yet. The extent of my exerciseRead More


In Need of Healing Venice Italy

B&b Ca. Barbaria. August 4, 2017 · Venice, Italy · I am packing in Venice. In a few hours, I’ll be on a train to Naples. Yesterday I was blessed to meet a young girl on a train, Benedetta, who gave me travel tips and told me of the Naples Underground. I’ll share thatRead More


Welcome to Naples! (Napoli)

Live  at Hotel Zara Napoli – Hotels Naples. August 5, 2017 · Naples, Italy · Welcome to Naples! (Napoli) PS My room smells like dog. Bluck! At least you have AC…at least you have AC…at least you have AC…(the chant so I stop smelling DOG)!


Jewish Ghetto of Venice Italy

Jewish Ghetto of Venice. August 3, 2017 · Venice, Italy · Today I found a doorway just my size–and I’m NOT kidding. The frame is just inches from my head topping around 5′ 2″. Y’all are gonna need to duck near there! I found lots of doors that size in the Jewish GhettoRead More


Your Personal Gondola Ride Venice Italy

August 2, 2017 · Venice, Italy · Anytime I am traveling any part of the world, even my own neighborhood, I love to take it in the sights and sounds. Here is your personal gondola ride with a special serenade…enjoy! This one is only truly found here.