Looks Like You, Mom
My sister found this in my mom’s things. I am to the left, my sister to the right. Please note what is written in the corner, “Looks like you, mom.”
My mother must have sent this to my grandmother (Nanny), and when my grandma died, it was returned to my mom. I remember when my Nanny passed. My mother and I tried to get flights to Jersey, but they were too expensive, so we spent the day looking through photos and sharing stories. I carry those memories with me today, and I still miss my Nan so much too.
I have to write my mother’s obituary soon as well as pull together the handout for her service. The words I am called to write will NEVER encompass ALL the things she meant to me, my siblings, our kids, or the many people she touched with her life.
If you have any advice for me or could offer assistance with these responsibilities, please let me know. My writing has always flowed at His time. He inspires me, and the words just come. Please share with me your inspirations. Maybe that will help me tap the Flow.
Love you all. Thank you so much for your love and support.