The BIG Lie
Last night, I caught this YouTube video that intrigued me. The interview started with this line: “They’ll never let Trump into the White House again.” The gentleman saying this was calm, intelligent, and seemingly well-educated. Of the things he said that I could fact-check, they were true: “Trump was the first person elected without a law degree, military experience, or previously elected.” That’s true.
But that was his BIG reason for the conspiracy NOT to let Trump in again. He claimed most of the world was in on it. He didn’t name names or anything, but he sure did act like he knew this whole conspiracy was going on for quite some time. The exciting thing is, in the 15 minutes or so I watched, he NEVER cited any other reason Trump might not–or should NOT– be elected.
I got tired of it because, in a word, “It registered as BULLSHIT.” Listen, I get that the political parties sway things in specific directions, but good gravy, do you REALLY think the Republicans back in 2015 ‘really’ wanted Trump? They did NOT–and immediately after Jan 6, many wanted to be done with him, too.
Why is Trump here, then? Because of the voters who believe YouTubers like that dude I watched. That the whole world is against the little guy getting ahead, and Trump is your way to get through it all. Too many Republicans and news sources like Fox kowtowed to this voter will–which is NOT what these people and entities should do. They did not serve their nation well.
In the meantime, this YouTube commentator never said that maybe, just maybe, it’s a good idea to have presidents who have served the people before, understand how government works best, and have relationships to negotiate good legislation. Maybe some people who take this path see a higher order of service and might live in a world of greater understanding. And perhaps they have developed the emotional and mental stability to navigate BIG decisions effectively.
I’ll never forget for those first few minutes how I thought this YouTuber was on to something until he NEVER got to the real problem with Trump. Forty-five lied about the 2020 election and fomented an insurrection. While our government was under siege, Trump ate a burger and devoured the news. No one should vote for him EVER.
If you overlook that because you think he’ll bring you a better economy, think again—23 economists say Harris will do better. Maybe it’s inflation—well, Biden has that under control. Immigration? The numbers crossing the border are lower than under Trump, and there would be a bill in place if it were not for Trump.
Harris is better for the US in every way. The proof is listed below. Please take the time to educate yourself on the truth of the issues. Your country desperately needs you.
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