A Heart on Fire Luke 24:32

Praying over the City at Roots Roasting.

January 14, 2019 · Saint Paul

After waking at 5:30 a.m. to hit the gym, it’s now 7:30 a.m. and the sun still hasn’t arrived. This picture was taken last week when I’d gotten a later start. I realize there is nothing particularly stunning about this shot. I only took it because it had been so long since I’d see the sun. Unsure about you and where you live, but here in Minnesota during the winter, it’s rare—too rare—to see the sun. It also reminds me that within random normalcy, we can find the unexpected majesty.

There is a story in Luke 24 of two disciples walking to Emmaus and the risen Jesus joins them. The text tells us that his identity was hidden from them, an interesting point of fact that still intrigues me, but was already addressed in an earlier blog, THE HIDDEN MEANING: https://wrongwaylizzie.me/the-hidden-meaning-luke-1834/

So, back to the two guys walking along. They are chatting about the recent events, Jesus’ crucifixion. They are upset. They hoped that Jesus would rescue them. He did, of course, but these men, just like us so much of the time, are stuck in a worldly sense of being saved. They had hoped the Christ would save them from Roman persecution, but now, being dead and buried, that hope is gone.

As they walk along, Jesus joins them, his identity hidden, and he asks what they are talking about. They’re shocked that he has no idea of these happenings and proceed to tell him. As their journey continues, Jesus fills them in as to why these things must happen, citing scripture to support his points, all the while these two men do not recognize him. These were all things Jesus told his disciples and followers many times, yet, again like us too often, they had their own idea of how things should look that the real miracle is too often missed.

When they get to the village, Jesus acts as if he will continue on, but the two disciples encourage him to stay. During dinner, as Jesus breaks bread, his identity is revealed, and, in that moment, Jesus disappears. Both are understandably shocked and then I love this verse,

Luke 24:32 They asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?”

Gosh darn, do I love that. This is the deal, Jesus is with me on every walk—and He’s there with you too. We might not realize it. We might not acknowledge it. You might not even consider him real, but that does not mean that He’s not there.

What’s more, at any time we can acknowledge Him and tap into a burning heart—a heart on fire. Just like this picture, there are times He reminds us of His majesty. That He is with us, looking down always and walking along. When we catch these glimpses in the random normalcy, we can just stop and breathe His loving light in. Yes, I want a heart on fire.

Dear Loving Creator, thank you so much for all you do and give to us. Please help me to remember you are always here with me, even when I forget, don’t realize, or deny it. Enter my life with your loving grace. Give me a heart that is burning for you, so I can share your majesty with the others too. Reveal yourself to me so that I might better know you. In Your Mighty Name…

I miss writing and I miss riding. Maybe I’ll write more about that soon, but in the meantime, please get me any prayer requests. You are loved.

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