Sunday with Mom
Update on my mom:
Without too many details, the cocktail of meds they have given my mom has given her more energy and allowed us an additional day. She still has terminal cancer, and there is a lot of damage to her lungs, but the prognosis today was far better than yesterday. The Pulmonary doctor was saying things like, “We need to look at long term test results.” Granted, he also said, and the Oncologist echoed, everything could turn in a moment, and no one knows where this will go, but today is a blessing.
PS Modern medicine and the human body’s resiliency is amazing.
PSS When I ask my mom if she feels better today, she holds her hand out and offers the “so so-kind of” signal, but when I look at her, the difference is remarkable. Her eyes are open and alert. She’s adjusting her mask. She’s watching TV. Lol!
What do you think of the selection below? She has moved on to Nascar now. Ha!

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